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发布时间:2016年05月16日 08:39   浏览次数:
Reflection on Globalization
主讲嘉宾:柯葛瑞 (William Gary Kline) 教授
William Gary Kline is the Chair and professor of the Department of Political Science and History at Georgia Southwestern State University, U.S.A. He has obtained his Ph.D. degree of Government from the University of Texas at Austin. His areas of specialization are in Political Philosophy, Constitutional Law, American Institutions and Processes, and The Third World Studies. He has been the president of the Association of the Third World Studies (ATWS) and the editor of the Journal of the Third World Studies (JTWS). His publications include The Individualist Anarchists: A Critique of Liberalism; Food and Water as Human Rights; Children in the Scheme of Development; Counter-Terrorism and Our Civil Liberties; Democracy, Community, and Human Development; Who Will Speak For the Voiceless, and so on. He has been the recipient of Mario D. Zamora Award for Excellence in Scholarship on the Third World and Distinguished Professor for Teaching and Learning.


Reflection on Globalization
主讲嘉宾:柯葛瑞 (William Gary Kline) 教授
William Gary Kline is the Chair and professor of the Department of Political Science and History at Georgia Southwestern State University, U.S.A. He has obtained his Ph.D. degree of Government from the University of Texas at Austin. His areas of specialization are in Political Philosophy, Constitutional Law, American Institutions and Processes, and The Third World Studies. He has been the president of the Association of the Third World Studies (ATWS) and the editor of the Journal of the Third World Studies (JTWS). His publications include The Individualist Anarchists: A Critique of Liberalism; Food and Water as Human Rights; Children in the Scheme of Development; Counter-Terrorism and Our Civil Liberties; Democracy, Community, and Human Development; Who Will Speak For the Voiceless, and so on. He has been the recipient of Mario D. Zamora Award for Excellence in Scholarship on the Third World and Distinguished Professor for Teaching and Learning.

上一条:关于9888拉斯维加斯网站选聘教师情况的公示 下一条:“侯外庐学术讲座”第七十五讲—“从史书看古代中国与罗马史家的民族观”


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